I was very distracted while trying to pray one morning in May. I opened a blank page on my computer and this piece was in front of me within a few minutes.
It summed up exactly what I was thinking and feeling at that time.
I was living in Belfast, Northern Ireland, close to completing a year working as a student missionary [with University Christian Outreach (UCO)]. Although I was going to be moving back home to Dublin, Ireland, I knew that a path of change and uncertainty lay ahead of me.
There was so much I did not know and could not control amid the internal and external chaos. I needed to remind myself of God - above all a loving Father, steadfast and unwavering regardless of earthly circumstances, and the promise of eternal life.
Look at your life through heaven's eyes!
The Unknown
I cautiously step towards the unknown
yet hold fast to what I know
My heart flutters, uncertain, unsteady
Yet I hear a voice commanding my soul to cling to the truth
I do not know what lies ahead
When I will next cry with laughter or wrestle with tears of pain
Yet the undercurrent of my life is unchanged
Remain steadfast dear child
Remain in my love
The horizon of my tomorrow is hazy yet my eternity is certain
Today, blessings and curses come in the one package
Yet when the day of restoration comes I will have no questions
There is one hope
one truth
one faith
One God who desires to be fully known and made known
And He calls me His daughter
That I know