Kairos Conference Gathers...
Kairos encourages and inspires students and young people to answer God’s call on their life and to work for the building of his kingdom in Europe. A key part of our mission is to refresh hope in young people that God is living and active in our continent today. Each 4 years Kairos hosts a summer gathering of 4-500 students and young people from around the world.
The Kairos Conference is an opportunity for us to present ourselves before the Lord and to hear his word and direction to our movement. In 2007 at “Die Konferenz” in Germany, the main theme was sacrifice. 300 young men and women were challenged to set aside our personal plans for our life and to offer ourselves for God’s service. In Spain 2011 the theme of the conference was “Adelante” – a call to walk through the open door for mission God has placed before us in Europe in faith and confidence that he is acting through us. Over 400 young people from 22 separate countries joined us.
Singing songs in different languages, hearing speakers from foreign countries, living life with Christian brother and sisters from different church traditions give our students a vision of the community that is possible through the grace of God in the fractured world of today and inspires them to work and live for the life of the age that is to come. Our Kairos Conference often connects with the Catholic World Youth Day – bringing a prophetic witness of Christian Unity to this event as we count many brothers and sisters from Protestant and Orthodox backgrounds in our number when we gather. In 2016 we gathered in Krakow for the Dalej Conference. Check out the video below: