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Kairos Weekend 2016 - Update from Event Director

PM Graham

When the prodigal son returns, he is prepared to be renounced as a son: he is willing simply to be a servant. As we know, this isn't the father's plan for him, or for any of us. It isn't enough that we serve, no matter how faithfully. Each of us is first and foremost a daughter or a son. Unless we confidently grasp this identity – the being side of mission and discipleship – then the doing side of mission and discipleship will be lacking.

This is what God was telling us as we prepared for Kairos Weekend 2016. We wanted to do something with this year’s conference that would allow him to work with us in a special way, and allow us to respond. So in addition to all 100 of us gathering to worship, hear teaching and have fun together, a chunk of the weekend was spent in two separate venues - the men reflecting on sonship and brotherhood, and the women looking at what it means to be daughters rooted in their Father’s love.

Whether the individual impact was greater vision, deeper conversion or simply new relationships, my prayer is that the fruit of the weekend is ultimately a stronger Kairos, and a network of mission outposts across Europe that are holier and more evangelistic; places where more and more students can discover their relationship with the Father, just like we did.

About Kairos Weekend 2016

Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Friday night (together)

Opening session: Establishing our identity as men and women

Men’s Track Women’s Track

Friday night Friday night

Orientation and opening prayer meeting Travel to venue & orientation

Saturday Saturday

Morning prayer Morning prayer

Session 1: Sonship Session 1: Women of peace & integrity

Scripture study Small groups

Session 2: Worship & prayer ministry Workshops: Building good relationships; Decision-

Lord’s Day celebration meal, honourings, making & commitment; Discernment & vocation

& entertainment Session 2: Healing & freedom, with prayer ministry

Lord’s Day celebration & entertainment

Sunday (together)

Church services

Closing session: Testimonies, worship, and a final exhortation to lean into God’s truth as men and women.

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